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Special News!!!
After 64 years of Square Dancing Blue Bell
Square Dance Club has officially closed it's doors. We are no longer
dancing. Please visit one of the other clubs still dancing in Las
Regular Scheduled Dances:
Circle 8's
dances on the 1st and 3rd Sunday's of every month, or 6:00pm at the
Belton Bridge Center, 1214 E. Madrid
St. Call 575-522-4506 for info. Check their newsletter for the
caller Ted Clements. (Mainstream, Announced Plus)
Las Cruces Crossfire's,
1st Saturday of each month, Belton Bridge Center, 1214 E. Madrid St., Las
Cruces, NM. Ted Clements (Plus Level)
"A" Team
A1 and A2, First and Third Wednesday at
Pendergrass Casa 2148 Shady Place ,
7:00 - 8:30PM. Ted Clements calling. Pat & Mary Lou @ 575-523-9664 or Barb
Sallach @ 575-636-4541 for information.
- Alamo Squares
2nd and 4th Sat 8PM-10PM,
575-437-3043, IOOF Hall, 1400 E First St., Alamogordo, NM.
Caller: Ted (Lois) Clements Map
- Basin Squares
Plus club is currently INACTIVE. Map
- Good Times Squares
Every Tuesday, 7:00 P.M. at the senior center in Deming,
NM. Caller: Rusty Wright. Call 575-546-6133 for
- See Saw Squares
2nd & 4th Fridays at the Grace
Lutheran Church, 9301 Diana, El Paso Texas - Our Dance Hours
are 7:00 P.M. to 9:30 P.M.
Out Of Town Guests now dance FREE! Caller: Ted (lois)
Clements. No Rounds
- Silver City
Squares, Every Monday, 7:00
P.M. at Presbyterian Church, 1915 N Swan St, Silver City.
575-538-2524. Caller Fred Beam.
Sierra Twirlers Square Dance, T or C, NM
2nd & 4th Sunday, MS/+, 3:00pm—5:30pm, Lessons from 3-4:30,
Youth Center, 300 Daniels. Caller: Joey Solis (505)