Buzz of the Bees—Blue Bell Square Dance Club


APRIL 2005

 Editor—Jim Groves

District Representatives:  Charles & Pat Davis
President — Don Miles

Vice-President—Bob Richie

Secretary — Linda Dowd

Treasurer—Bob Dowd

Board Members—Jeanie Groves, Fred Edgington, Art Harvey, Michael Lewis

Vips— Please come abut 7 pm to help the President set up-make coffee etc.

Mar. 12th — Martin & Pickering

Mar. 26th — Powell & Raby

Apr. 9th — Richie & Sallach

Apr. 23rd — No Dance Bridge Tournament

May 14th — Sewell & Schoener

May 28th — Weiner & Carroll

June 11th — Clements & Curry

June 25th — Davis & Donart

Southwest District Officers

Charles Davis, our district representative, finally got a few brave souls to step up and volunteer to be Southwest district Officers.  Chairmen—Jim & Mary Ann Martin, Vice Chairmen—Charles & Pat Davis, Secretary—Jim & Jeanie Groves, Treasurer—Jackie & Tom Pickering.  Good luck and thanks for stepping up to the plate.


The Southwest District will be hosting the State Festival in T or C in May 2006.  Jim & Jean Hinthorne from Silver City (Current District Chairmen) will become the State Officers.  They will need the help of all the clubs in the district to make the 2006 festival a success.  Please contact Charles & Pat Davis (District Reps) to see how you can help.  Or better yet attend the district meeting before the next district dance and find out for yourself.

Mary Ann Martin

Mary Ann had knee surgery in early February, and is recovering nicely.  She came to the Valentines dance and took pictures, but she probably should have stayed home with her leg up.  She is undergoing physical therapy now and wishes it would go a little faster.  We all wish her a speedy recovery.  We miss dancing with you Mary Ann, get better soon!

 Alma Lewis

Alma is schedule to have bypass  surgery in April 5th in Albuquerque.  Please keep Alma and Mike in your thoughts and prayers.  We wish her a speedy recovery.

Jackie & Tom Pickering

Jackie and Tom had a run of bad luck in late February.  Things are some better now, but please keep your fingers crossed for them.


If you notice that some of your friends have not been to the dances lately, please give them a call and check on them.  If you haven’t been to a dance lately try and make the next dance April 9th.  We miss all of our dancers and we need all of you for the continued success of our club. 

Newsletter Suggestions

If you have any suggestions for the newsletter please contact the editor.  All suggestions will be appreciated.


If you notice that some of your friends have not been to the dances lately, please give them a call and check on them.  If you haven’t been to a dance lately try and make the next dance August 13th (Ice Cream Social).  We miss all of our dancers and we need all of you for the continued success of our club.

Upcoming Dances

April 3rd, 2005 Circle 8’s — Art Harvey will be calling the first dance in April.

April 29-30 & May 1, 200525th Annual New Mexico Singles Square Dance Fling will be held at the Albuquerque Square Dance Center.  Featuring  DeeDee Dougherty Lottie and Cuers Ronnie & Bonnie Bond.  For more information contact Kathi Raver ( or Cecilia Pounds (

 April 30th, 2005 Southwest District Dance  —  It was listed in the Southwest Dancer but is an error.  The dance will be October 29th, Alamo Squares  & Basin Squares will be hosting the district dance

MAY 20-22 2005NMSRDA 58th Square Dance Festival will be held at the Albuquerque Square Dance Center.  Featuring the Callers of the New Mexico State Callers Association and the New Mexico round Dance Cuers.  NMSRDA Members Pre-registration $15 /$30 at the door  Non-Members Pre-registration $20/$40 at the door.